3D Budget is a program that will let you manage your budget.
This program will allow you to keep control on your checkbook, your credit cards, your income, periodical debt obligations, receivables, cash flow, expense categories, etc. You can allocate funds, enter incomes, expenses or transfers, and you will always know if you have enough money to pay all your expenses. You can include new accounts at any moment. The "Budget" button will allow you to see how an expense or account has evolved through time. You can print the budget with this program. Another tool is to reconcile your budget, entering your income and available cash and your projected expenses, to plan your budget. The program also allows to scan for a given expense or income in your registered transactions, giving you the full information about that operation.
The trial version will work for free for thirty days. The program will have a forty percent discount if you buy it into the five days before you downloaded the program.